Here are some of our personal web sites, which have plenty of information about both of us, and some other sites you might enjoy as well. Some of them are informational and some are just for fun.

At Mindy's site you'll find a brief biography, pictures, information about her interests, such as the arts, and you can contact her individually if you'd like.

Tom's site has lots of pictures, including an image gallery section, and has frequent updates about his life and happenings in the Nagel family. Like Mindy's site, Tom's has professional information and a form you can use to contact him personally.

The Nagel Web
The Nagel Web is for family members to keep in touch and share information and news with each other. If you would like access to the site, please let us know!

Super Happy Land
Super Happy Land is one of Tom's creations. It's basically a site about all sorts of weird things, mostly pop culture related. Tom writes and programs the site, although he often enlists the help of friends to put together interesting and sometimes wacky articles.

Bill Nagel
Bill is Tom's brother, and is a sophomore at Purdue University. He's a computer engineering major who writes about a lot of technical stuff on his web site. But it's still very cool, even if you're not a computer nut.